The decorating and DIY was done over a period of 3 years. It took a lot of hard work, scrubbing the mould and old stains off the woodwork, sorting the floors and removing old nails, staples and paint, the wall paper had to be scraped off, the picture rail I took off and used as batons for the shelving in the bedroom upstairs, all the paints came from the Forest Paint Reuse charity in Walthamstow.
I mixed up and made my own Pink, using a 10 litre bucket and then used it on all the wood work in the house, and I even had some left when I moved to Bristol.
The ceiling needed so many layers of paint, I think I stopped counting at 9 layers! The place had been severely neglected! Through out this journey, transforming this room, I slowly got rid of a lot of things I had accumulated and inherited and the final out come was a big bright colourful room, perfect for having guests and learning Yoga.