Together ULCT Universal Law Community Trust are building a new community, based on freedom from the slavery system and using a new, tax free currency. Join Us!
If you take a look at my shop, there are items displayed in both currencies ∞KC Kindness Credits and £Pounds.
Read the KC info and my T&C’s in the shop pages, to learn and see how the conversion works. See items available in both currencies by using the Pop-Out Buttons on the side to show you the comparison —>
Convert your slave tokens into Kindness Credits by firstly buying one of my ∞KC Space Cake Gift Cards and then redeem that credit to order in my shop.
See my Shop items with info, or Contact me directly if you have any questions, or if you want to meet up and discuss joining us at ULCT.
I am a ULCT Coordinator and Admin for the Bristol ULCT Hub.
If you would like me to set up the ∞KC Kindness Credits Converter in your own wordpress / woocommerce shop, then please get in touch, web design is one of my other very special talents!
I have added a few videos below, to help you understand what ULCT is all about.
Video No 1:
This is to help those people promoting Kindness Credits into their communities.
Video No 2:
“This video explains the futility of structures that demand payment in slave tokens to grant you access to your rights, the truth and the whole package, to establish your freedom from slavery through. If a get out of debt system depends on slave tokens to initiate then its compounding slavery is it not. Here we bank the slave token out of existence and the effects of that are exemplified in your Kindness Credits Accounts. Kindness Credits the only currency that credits you for not being a slave token debt slave. In this video you will find reference to WeRe bank and Peter of England. This video is to rebut the implication being made by Peter of England and WeRe bank, that people can BUY their way out of slavery. We Buy Any Debt and Universal Law Community Trust have had to discharge debt caused by the failed attempts of PofE and WeRe bank. Compare the Market. Compare what is the definition of the market and Compare what you are represented by. Slavery or Kindness currency? The more people use this structure to represent themselves through the less slave tokens there are in supply. Our fundraisers in slave tokens are utilised to convert the slavery into Kind deeds such as supporting releasing people from prison and the slavery system, via air travel and fuel costs.. these are the ultimate levels of the slavery structure and by freeing the people from slavery, we will benefit from the minds of these people being released as a community… creating Free Energy .. literally and metaphysically.”
Video No 3:
Welcome to Universal Law Community Trust; Introduction to Universal Law
If you need and want to learn more, then take a look at more Trainings on Em Oven and Universal Law Community Trust’s youtube channels, and also take a look at the websites below and find us on facebook.
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